I am Sharonda Crome and I live in Columbus Ohio with my husband with whom I been with for 20 years and our 3 children. I have embraced my vision and purpose and my life is changing by leaps and bounds. I am experiencing more joy, love, and passion than I have in years!
It wasn’t always this way. Before I created the greatest version of the grandest vision of my life and started living full on, I was a child of an abused woman. The same man that abused her also abused me. I was a child who witnessed the murder of the man she thought was her father by his cousin. I was also the fragile little girl who found out that he wasn’t her father the day I had to testify at that murder trial.
As I grew older I grew angry and bitter. I became over-weight, I drank a lot and dabbled in recreational drug use. And when I couldn’t “take it anymore”, I left home and the state of Michigan .
“Wherever you go, there you are” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn
Just because I physically changed states didn’t mean my life and circumstances would change. I continued partying, drinking and smoking and behaving in a manner that did not attract real friends. I was kicked out of student housing and went to live with some “friends”. After more of said partying it was voted 2 to 1 that I should find another place to live. It was during this time I found out I was pregnant, virtually homeless and failing out of college.
I didn’t go through with that pregnancy and I thought that I could “keep it moving”.
A year later I was pregnant again and I made the call to the clinic…
“Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” ~Ralph Blum
During that time, I had become very close friends with a young lady who was also pregnant. She never judged me for the choice I made but she romanticized about being a mom, she made it sound wonderful and no matter what she was going to be the best mom she could be. Obviously she rubbed off on me because I never called the clinic back and that child is now 18 years old. Having that child changed my life. I wanted to read everything about being a good parent and doing the best for my child. I started reading self-help books and became a personal development junkie. That first book I read changed my life. I started learning about a positive mental attitude and taking time for meditation. I began to practice those things and I began to experience results. At first my results were intermittent because that was the nature of my practice but as I began to make meditation a daily practice and learning to become more self aware, my life changed dramatically.
As I continue to learn more and more about personal development and coaching, I realized that there are lots of women who felt that there is a purpose for their life and yet have been disconnected from it. Women are walking around with an ambigous feeling of discontent just like I was and making choices trying to fill the void of not living a life on purpose. I have since made the commitment to connect with that woman and help them on the path of purpose and passion. It is my personal mission to help women release their limiting beliefs and lack of purpose and empower them to live a life of love, joy, peace and passion.