Apparently, there have been some questions to a colleague of mine who began helping me promote my services. She began receiving feedback regarding the Law of Attraction application on the front page of my website.Her questions were coming from fellow colleagues who were wondering how could she promote the Law of Attraction? I have to admit, it did strike a nerve but I stand strongly in what I believe which is...
That is a story for later.
A series of God Winks lead me to this very point. To be able to withstand the criticism that goes along with being percieved differently. As I explained to her, I knew that as soon as I started opening my big mouth, this was going to happen. I say this light heartedly. I understand the need for some to feel safe and comfortable and stand in judgement of someone who has a different belief system than the one they hold dear. I am not a threat to that. I honor and repect the lives of others and what they believe. I only ask for the same treatment.
In my own mind though, I sometimes struggle with the fear of saying something that may not go over so well. What does that boil down to really? Fear of rejection. We have all experienced this at various times in our lives. So who are we really living for when we do this? Are we living for others as they dictate to us the name of the God we serve, the gender of the people we love, even the shape of our bodies. When we walk and talk in a way that is not in harmony with who we really are, we die a little every second.
You get one shot at this, make it yours, make it count and be a light the way God(not man) says you should. Only you really know what that looks like for you.